What is Hydration (original long format backup)

The Importance of Hydration

  • Hydration is critically important for optimal performance, because all Functions and Processes in the body depend on fluids:
    • Transporting Food/Raw Materials throughout the body to the cells;
    • Removing Metabolic By-Products from cells and the body;
    • Thermal Regulation – Removing Heat from the body;
    • Respiration – Expelling Carbon Dioxide and other By-Products;
    • Body Processes that generate energy to perform work.
  • Your body attempts to maintain a Fluid Balance and all of these processes deplete Fluids and create a Fluid Imbalance.
  • It has been estimated that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

To regain Fluid Balance and Performance, we need to Rehydrate...

  • Scientists agree that Fluids follow Electrolytes in the body and that, by controlling electrolyte concentrations, you can drive Rehydration.
    • The question is how to control Electrolyte concentrations and there are currently two methods: Old Science and New Science (the Hydrus Advantage):
  • Old Science (50-Years Old):
    • Electrolytes follow Sugars, which are readily absorbed into the bloodstream.
      • Pros: Sugar is readily absorbed into bloodstream in the gut & Electrolytes will follow sugar
      • Cons:
        • Sugar
        • Calories
        • Glycemic Response (Blood Sugar Levels Spikes, leading to Crashing)
        • Slow Absorption
  • New Science (Hydrus Nanozomes™):
    • Pros:
      • Faster Absorption, which begins in the Mouth
      • Nanozomes™ are very small (approx. 40-60nm) (Human Hair is 80,000-100,000nm);
      • Better Absorption through Digestive and Lymphatic Systems in the Gut;
      • No Sugar
      • No Calories
      • No Glycemic Response = No Crashing
    • Cons: (None)